Chapter 367 Answer My Question

Amanda turned around and leaned against the car before crossing her arms. “Who else could it be? It’s Crispin, of course. He seems eager to marry Stephanie. I feel that he’s been too calm after all that has happened.”

On the other hand, Elias remained silent, seemingly deep in thought.

She asked, “What would you do if you were Crispin?”

He turned to look at her with a doubtful expression. His gaze seemed to say, Try betraying me, and you’ll know the consequences!

Amanda batted her alluring eyes. “Say something. If your woman let a middle-aged man bed her, what would you do? Would you still be calm and not so sad? Would you also be eager to get married?”

“Since you’re asking me a question with sincerity, I’ll answer it with all seriousness.”

Elias glanced at her gorgeous face and continued, “If I discover you betrayed me one day and even let another man take you to bed, I’ll lose it and kill that man. If you, just like Stephanie, got framed and bullied by a middle-aged man, I’d destroy him and bury his corpse beneath the ground. However, the fact that you’ve betrayed me will drive me nuts.”

Amanda was rendered speechless upon hearing that. It is just a hypothetical question, so why is this man so serious? Moreover, he seems determined to put his words into action if I have the audacity to betray him. It was understandable that she was terrified.

“So, will you betray me? Even emotional cheating is not allowed,” he pressed.

Amanda felt helpless, wondering what was wrong with the man. Aren’t we talking about Stephanie? Why is it

about me now?

“Mr. Winters, several days ago, you said you wouldn’t interfere in my affairs no matter what I did, so what is it with you now?”

Elias replied solemnly, “I won’t interfere in your affairs, but that doesn’t mean you can fall in love with. another man. I won’t allow you to find a stepfather for my son.”

Is this what he meant when he said he wouldn’t have a hand in my affairs? I think he has some misunderstanding about the definition of freedom!

refused to give him a definitive reply,

would I betray you now?” Amanda had the urge to

dumped her and their child, but she still didn’t cheat on him. After the divorce, she

embrace before pressing her head against his chest. “I’m

saying this? If an apology is useful at all, my suffering

her tightly






the man’s towering figure away. “Alright, alright. That’s so off-topic. Let’s

snapped back to reality and said, “There’s something wrong with Crispin. All the clues show that he doesn’t love Stephanie. He’s only after the Allegras’

When she saw how loyal Crispin was to Stephanie, she

can ever put

we should stop

wasn’t a busybody, but she was part of the Allegras now, after all. As such, she couldn’t let such an unscrupulous man

has nothing to do with us. Now, I just want to

made Raymond a scapegoat. It would be

just wanted to climb up the social ladder by marrying a wealthy young lady. With Jack in charge of everything, there wouldn’t be

Raymond refuses to

anyway, but his wife’s corpse can’t stay in the mortuary forever. He loves

days, they didn’t receive any good news from the prison. The prison officer informed them that Raymond merely looked at the wall the whole time in his confinement cell. He refused to

Raymond during

was when the wedding

prison and see Raymond. No one knew what was

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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