Chapter 385 That’s What Love Is Like

Aiden looked up and fixed his gaze upon Jack’s face. “We’re waiting for Dad to come home. Mom says once he is back, we can go out and play together.”

As soon as they all heard the child’s words, suspicion arose within them. “What’s wrong? What happened?” Jack asked.

Amanda helplessly closed her eyes, secretly complaining about her son’s indiscretion to herself. Nonetheless, she still smiled and answered, “Nothing. It’s just an excuse because I’m too lazy to take him. out.”

While Jack continued with his meal without saying a single word, Crispin, who was quietly listening all this while, seemed to notice something wrong Is Amanda afraid of that man in Sacred Heart Villa? This can be my leverage against her, but Amanda doesn’t seem to be afraid right now. So, the question is-how can I use that leverage to my advantage?

Not long after that, Jack asked, “By the way, Amanda, the contract of our legal advisor is expiring soon, and we haven’t found a suitable candidate yet. Thus, would you like to consider this offer? After all, I think you have what it takes to nail it.”

The moment Crispin heard Jack’s words, his face changed. It was then that he finally understood that Amanda was the reason Jack had been keeping him from joining his company. So, I guess I will never gain Jack’s trust even after I’ve become his son-in-law.

“I don’t think I can manage it, Dad. I’m already the legal advisor of Winters Enterprise, and I think being the legal advisor for two companies at the same time is going to pressure me a lot.”

“You’re a part of our family, and I doubt there is anyone else better for me to place my faith in when it comes to this offer. So, please don’t turn me down.” Jack was getting more and more convinced that Amanda had the potential to be his heir, feeling impressed with her mature thinking and excellent managerial skills.

In the end, Amanda helplessly agreed to her father’s offer, although she could tell that Jack was trying to pave the way for her to join his company.

the industry, Stephanie was starting

your father’s company. For that, there is nothing else we can do besides watching her

wrong with Amanda joining it? Why do you want

straight with you–I want to become more than just the Allegra Family’s son-in-law.” The man changed his clothes and made his way

ground, her eyes filled with panicky emotions. Crispin… He

in the garden where the child was so engrossed in playing. with his excavator ride. He then told Amanda that

be surprising at all, I guess.” As Amanda ignored him and focused on her instead, Crispin

walked toward the rattan chair and sat down, taking a sip of tea from her cup. In response to the lady’s indifference, Crispin smiled and answered, “Oh, it looks like I guessed it right. Who is that man? Why are you so

me even when you’re going to be in huge trouble soon?” Amanda intentionally intimidated Crispin, wanting the man to put a stop

Amanda expected, Crispin began to turn panicky, squinting. “What do you mean? Why would

didn’t finish her sentence, leaving Crispin hanging and guessing her message.

playing in the garden, but as he was sweating profusely, he began

suspect me for something? But I didn’t do anything wrong to him, did I? Amanda’s words successfully made Crispin doubt himself and overwhelmed him with a strong sense

and slept. until dawn, he thought about the call that Amanda gave him earlier that day, which put a smile on his face Therefore, he endured his exhaustion and grabbed his phone, giving Amanda a call. A few moments later, the call was answered, followed by Amanda’s lazy voice. “Why are you calling at this hour? It should

but then I missed you too

chuckled on the other side of the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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