Chapter 386 Elias Is Back

When Elias heard that, he was stunned for a second. I didn’t think something like that would come out of my mouth either. Amanda. You’re the first person I’ve ever said something like that to.

“What’s with the silence?” Amanda asked.

“Well, I didn’t think I would say something like that either. If you want to hear more of that, I could always say that to you.” While Elias would never flirt with another woman like that, he had no problem doing that

to Amanda.

“Such a sweet-talker… I don’t like a man who flirts. So, when are you coming back?” Amanda quickly changed the subject.

“Maybe another 3 to 4 days. What’s wrong? Is there something urgent?” Elias lit up the cigarette in his mouth and took a puff on it.

On the other hand, Amanda’s eyes darkened when she heard Elias’ response. 3 to 4 more days? Oh man, why is this taking so long? I wish Elias could know that I dare not leave home until he is back. Despite the thought of that, Amanda refused to add to Elias’ worry, knowing he was stressed enough with his work. After all, she knew Elias would immediately rush back home if she told him about their current situation. If he did that, his work and his company’s image would be affected, which was not something that Amanda wanted.

“Aiden and I will be waiting for you. We’ll see you home once you’re done with your work. Have a good rest for now. I bet you still have to wake up early tomorrow morning.”

“Sure, babe. Send me a text message before you hit the hay. I want to know that you go to bed safe and


“Alright.” Amanda smiled helplessly and hung up the call, ready to take a shower. However, just when she entered the bathroom, she received a call from Symeon. After a brief hesitation, she reluctantly decided to answer it. “Why did you call?”

“You’re going to stay home until Elias returns?” The man on the other side of the phone mocked Amanda, finding her action laughable.

I want to stay home. What are

need to go to school? Don’t you know that you’re ruining his

is still just in kindergarten. It’s not like taking a few days off is going to

persistent denial that your child isn’t mine, the evidence found all suggest that I’rn indeed

returns, I’m going to make sure he does a paternity test for further verification. Moreover, what other

saw you entering my room in that hotel and coming out in a disheveled What do you



much fake evidence, as if your fabricated lies were the truth. Phew, I should be grateful that I’m rational and calm enough at the moment, or I

in me, but I’ve already sent the video to your email inbox. Check it out if you’re interested. As for the other evidence, I’m still in the midst of gathering them, but thus far, the most convincing one is the DNA paternity test report, which you

to buy that, unless you do another paternity test in Cludan.” Who the heck is

result is just the way I thought it would be? Would you still deny

is done in Cludan confirms your biological relationship with Aiden, I’ll give him back to you with no question, but that will never happen. 1 was the one who gave birth to my son, so, of course, I know who the father is!” What a joke! Elias is, of course, Aiden’s

remember your promise then. Cludanians don’t break their


and responded by mocking Symeon. “You’re a fast learner, aren’t

up in Cludan and only

of the basin and looked at herself in the mirror. telling herself that she must hang in

days, Amanda continued to stay home with her son as she intended until Elias returned. “I’m

her son along. Thus, she searched the house for Aiden until she found him playing with his Lego. “Aiden, we’re heading to the airport now. Dad is coming

toys. Then. Amanda walked up to him and rubbed

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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