Chapter 396 A Mysterious Woman

Amanda got ready for the day and slipped into her comfortable exercise wear before heading to the villa. As she caught sight of Yacob, who seemed to be running out of patience after waiting for what felt like an eternity, she approached him with a huff and remarked. “Did you have to pick such an early hour? It’s only


Then, he held the door open for her and calmly explained, “The journey to the marriage office will likely take 30 minutes, not to mention any traffic delays. Mr. Winters is waiting in line and doesn’t want to delay this matter further.”

Astonished, she gazed at him and was lost for words. Elias, queuing up already? Does he not feel he is taking things a bit too far?

Ironically, the man was conspicuously absent when they were first married, leaving Howard to dispatch his men to handle all the arrangements. Yet, in this moment of remarrying, Elias stood in person at the marriage office and woke up two hours earlier just to line up.

As the clock ticked past 8.00AM, Amanda arrived at the marriage office. While peering through the window, she caught sight of a tall man with a brooding expression. Once the car pulled to a stop, she stepped out.

The moment Elias saw her, he strode up to her and wordlessly pulled her into the building, his emotions still in turmoil from the exhaustive two-hour wait. He had almost succumbed to the fear that she had changed her mind. Thus, when he saw her stepping out of the car, a profound sense of relief washed over him as if a heavy burden had been lifted from his weary shoulders.

“Slow down. I can hardly keep up-” Amanda uttered, nearly breaking into a run to match his brisk pace.

He hastily pulled her into the hall, where a long queue had already formed at the counter for registering new marriages. Suddenly, his face darkened further, and his grip on her hand tightened so intensely that she winced in pain, furrowing her brow.

However, an awkward chuckle escaped her lips. “It’s not that long. Soon, it’ll be our turn.”

After hearing this, Elias turned to glare at her. “Were you late because you were considering changing your


“I wasn’t… It’s just that you’re taking this so seriously. We’re not kids anymore, and this is our second marriage. Is there a need to be the first in line?” Amanda’s mind was swirling with bewilderment. Our boy is already in kindergarten. Do we need to focus on something as frivolous as romance?

on her in utter silence. It was as

intense gaze left her feeling distinctly uncomfortable, even though

even a woman? What woman doesn’t appreciate romance on such

sentiment, she couldn’t help but wonder if it

stormy throughout the



had coerced him into

his once icy face as he glanced down at the two marriage certificates. Elias decided to keep

She could not help but ask when she noticed him promptly hiding the two certificates from her

he replied

her as she gazed at him. Suddenly, a sense of being deceived lingered in her mind. Eventually,

toward her, and he responded, Tll go to the hospital and check on the DNA test result. Afterward, we can swiftly confront that demon and banish it. Otherwise, you and Aiden might hesitate to venture beyond the doorstep,


door ajar, patiently waiting for Amanda to enter the car before turning to Yacob, “Send her back to

my things?”

take you and Aiden back home with me. After all, we’re legally wedded now, and it only makes sense for us to live together,” he stated, presenting his argument so logically

she observed him conveying further

gradually drove away, Elias stood in quiet

inquired, “What did Elias

but smile as he

do.” His tone of voice had

the personal supervision of your packing. Once you’re done, I’ll escort you and Aiden

her lips twitched, leaving her momentarily speechless as she couldn’t fathom what

off with Amanda.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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