Chapter 397 Stop Right There!

Driven by his instincts, Elias pursued the mysterious woman, his gut telling him she wasn’t just a random stranger. Soon, the chase led him to the elevator entrance, where she swiftly slipped inside and closed the doors, leaving him a step behind.

His fingers furiously pressed the button, but the elevator had already begun its descent. He had no choice. but to dash toward the nearby staircase leading to the next floor. At each landing, he paused, listening intently for any sign of the elevator doors opening before resuming his hurried descent to the next floor. His breath was heavy when he reached the ground-floor lobby, where he stood in anticipation, waiting for the elevator doors to part. A reassuring ding echoed, and as one of the doors slid open, he was met with an empty elevator.

Huh? Elias couldn’t comprehend it. He had clearly witnessed the mysterious woman step into the elevator, and it hadn’t stopped on any floor. Yet, he couldn’t fathom how she was missing.

At this moment, he heard the elevator doors behind him chime and slowly slid open. Hence, he turned to see a woman wearing dark sunglasses walking out. On the contrary, the woman was startled to see a figure in the lobby, so she promptly dashed toward the hospital entrance. However, her hurried footsteps attracted his attention, and the man instantly turned around. When he spotted her fleeing figure, he immediately advanced and grabbed her shoulder.

Nevertheless, the mysterious woman stood frozen, not budging an inch, yet Elias could sense the nervousness emanating from her. “Who are you?” he demanded, his grip tightening on her shoulders as he forcefully turned her around. However, her sunglasses obscured half of her face, leaving no identifiable features except her striking, bright red lips.

In a hushed yet resolute tone, she demanded, “Let me go!”

In response, he tightened his grip on her wrist and prepared to remove her sunglasses with the other hand, eager to unveil her identity.

In the meantime, panic flickered in the eyes concealed behind the dark lenses, as she couldn’t afford to let Elias discover her identity. A sudden idea struck her like lightning, and without hesitation, she cried, “Help! There’s a pervert! Help!”

Her sudden outburst instantly captured the attention of everyone in the lobby, causing a hushed murmur to ripple through the crowd as they exchanged curious whispers.

On the other hand, Elias had no choice but to let go of her when he realized the gravity of the situation. After all, as a public figure, it could lead to significant trouble if people recognized him and started filming.

In a swift motion, the woman shook him off and disappeared into the bustling crowd.

“Stop right there!” he shouted. His intention to chase after the mysterious woman halted as he was suddenly encircled by a group of well-meaning elderly men and women.

“Boy, you look like a successful man. How can you do this?” one of them chided.

“Yeah! It’s bad enough that you have the nerve to act like a pervert in public. Why are you running after


be so bad?

of elderly men and women, Elias felt a mounting pressure in his head as if it were on the verge of exploding. Unable to endure it any longer, he swiftly pulled out




Yacob. “Get

do anything right now as many people had already started filming him. Even the tiniest hint of criticism against the group could be

her sunglasses, unveiling a breathtakingly beautiful face. With a proud smirk, she briefly glanced at the crowd surrounding Elias. Shortly after, she

arrived at the hospital and

Elias wore an intensely displeased expression inside the car, his features contorted by the perplexing DNA test and the mysterious woman

you alright, Mr. Winters? Where do we go now?”

office immediately. Additionally, comb through the hospital’s surveillance records and uncover the identity of

you upset because of this

and no,” Elias

admitted, his expression


his temple in frustration as he uttered, “As it turns out, the DNA test confirms that I am not

was palpable. Aiden looks remarkably like Mr. Winters; it’s impossible to

woman? Her presence couldn’t have been a mere coincidence. It seems she was covertly observing my reaction earlier. Then, he took a deep breath, pushing aside the unsettling thoughts. “Forget it. We’ll get another DNA test done elsewhere.” He adamantly refused to accept the results since he believed that the little brat had to

“Yes, sir.”

the evening descended, Elias drove over to bring

to the little brat. After spending so many

to bring him over for a visit.

hear. Now that you’re with Elias, I


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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