Felicia walked over and gave Maria an icy stare. Her voice was as cold as the glaciers. “Miss, please leave if you continue to act like this. This is a retail venue for high-end consumers; we don't welcome boorish customers. Nobody can insult my esteemed guest here. If you dare to say anything more, I will send you to the police station! You kept insisting that my guest was a thief, but the jewelry that you lost is only worth five million. Do you know that the jewelry that Mr. Moore gifts to this lady are worth at least ten million each? Why would she care about your puny jewelry? Your accusation is outright baseless!”

The crowd began to chatter among themselves.

“She's right; Mr. Moore's fortune is said to be in astronomical figures and simply unrivaled. I'm sure any random piece of jewelry owned by his partner is worth at least ten million, so why would something worth only five million catch her eye?”

“That woman kept harping on the fact that Mr. Moore's partner is a thief, yet she couldn't provide any evidence.”

“Something must be wrong with her head. How dare she accuse Mr. Moore's partner of stealing her jewelry.”

Maria could not take it anymore after being slapped by Dylan and Cayden. She was like a trapped animal that lost its cool and did not care that the crowd included some of Ackleton's prominent figures.

At that moment, it did not matter to Maria that her wealthy heiress image was ruined. She gritted her teeth tightly like a mad dog. She could not wait to tear Avery and her family apart with her teeth!

Just then, Xander, surrounded by a group of people, arrived at the scene.

The stunning-looking Xander exuded an immense aura, despite just wearing a simple white shirt.

The first two buttons of his shirt were unbuttoned, revealing his flawless and fair collarbone.

Xander tugged lightly at the slightly loose tie at his neck. Those familiar with him would know that it was his habitual action when he got frustrated. It seemed like Xander had been informed of what was going on here.

The gentle glow of the light cast a shadow on his handsome face, raising the tension around him. As a result, the tense atmosphere was causing his subordinates around him to break out in cold sweats.

Felicia, who was in charge of Azure Royal, approached Xander. “Mr. Gibson, what brings you here? Please do not worry about this small matter. I will make sure that it will be settled nicely.”

Xander merely listened without responding.

A lit cigarette lingered between his slender fingers.

As the cigarette smoke rose, it created a mysterious shroud over Xander's well-defined facial features, enhancing his sexuality.

Although it was visually stunning, it felt cold and distant at the same time.

The overwhelming pressure from Xander made Felicia nervous, and she started to stutter.

“Felicia,” Xander suddenly interrupted her, his tone sharp and cold. “How long have you been working at Azure Royal?”

Felicia paused and lowered her head in shame. “Half... half a year.”

Xander suddenly broke into a wide and smug smile. It was a gorgeous smile, but somehow it sent shivers down one's spine.

“Very well, you've been here for half a year already, yet you can't settle this small matter. I believe it's time for you to retire!” Xander mercilessly mocked. Overwhelmed by his piercing aura, Felicia got weak in the knees.

Xander continued, “You know Mr. Moore is my VIP, but you're taking things easy. You should know how I do things here.”

Xander approached Cayden and exchanged a quick glance with him, followed by a polite nod at Avery.

Then as he turned around to look at Maria, he slowly took a puff of his cigarette, and a chilly glint flashed across his eyes. “Why is there a dog barking non-stop in Azure Royal? And why hasn't it been chased out with a stick?”

When Xander gazed at her, Maria was so infatuated with his good looks that she became speechless for a moment.

But she quickly woke up from this brief dream when Xander's nasty words poured onto her like a cold shower.

What a filthy mouth this man has! How dare he refer to me as a dog. The level of arrogance is outrageous!

The simple-minded Maria did not notice that people around her were looking at Xander with fear and respect. All she cared about was seeking justice for herself.

Letting out a laugh, Maria put on an intimidating expression and lashed out at Xander, “You look so prim and proper, but where are your manners? Did you just call me a dog? I see that you're worse than a dog! I'm a consumer here and should be treated with respect. What right do you have to chase me out? If you insist on chasing me out, give me a refund first!”

Everyone was stunned by Maria's reply. They could not help but worry for her.

They were not sure if she was truly fearless or just plain dumb.

Xander was notoriously well known in Ackleton; nobody dared to defy or offend him.

It would not be exaggerating to say that if he wanted a particular person dead by a certain time, the person would not even get to live a minute longer.

Hearing Maria's response, Dylan was boiling with rage. Nothing good happened whenever he accompanied this stupid cousin on trips.

He swore to himself that he would never listen to his parents again and accompany this fool anymore.

Felicia could not believe what she had heard. Where did she find the courage to rebuke Mr. Gibson? This woman must be tired of living.

True enough, as soon as Maria finished speaking, a thin dagger instantly flew toward her and brushed against the right side of her scalp.

As the dagger passed, Maria's short hair on the right side of her head was cleanly shaved off, revealing a huge piece of her scalp.

Even a razor could not do a better job than the dagger.

Clumps of Maria's hair scattered on the ground.
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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