Avery gazed deeply at Cayden.

She loved him with all her heart and soul. Be it his facial contour, eyebrows, nose, or lips; they were flawless. It was as if he was the perfect creation of God.

At this moment, his aura was indifferent. But when he smiled at her, a wave of gentleness streaked through her.

Handing over the large bouquet of multicolored roses, he said, “Happy birthday.”

Though it was winter, he managed to keep the roses fresh. The baby's breath and the goldenrods surrounding them were lovely.

Giving out a pleasant fragrance, the colorful roses were even more alluring. Lovers would gift their other half different colors of roses to represent their affection and promise. Based on the language of flowers, it meant everlasting love.

Women loved romance by nature. No one could resist fresh floral temptations.

Avery took the heavy bouquet from him. “Thanks.”

She was flattered though it wasn't her first time receiving flowers from a man.

Back then, Zayne used to give her flowers during the festive seasons to make her happy. But her feelings at that time were different compared to now.

In Avery's eyes, Cayden was a serious man who had no idea how to be romantic. She never expected anything from him, let alone surprises. This time, she was indeed taken aback by what he did.

I didn't know he was the type to give women flowers.

“Silly girl...” Cayden smiled and caressed her head. Flicking a glance at her face, he complimented, “You're gorgeous tonight.”

With light makeup on, her beautiful face looked even more charming.

Avery stood there in silence, emanating the quality of indescribable beauty.

“Daddy, what about Zachary and me?” Rory held her brother's hand and happily turned around in front of their father.

Her white, fluffy skirt floated a little as she spun. She looked like a lively fairy who had stepped into the mortal world.

“Yep, both of you look stunning tonight. It must be because of your mommy's genes,” Cayden praised while giving Avery credit.

Avery's cheeks turned pink.

When Rory heard what her father said, she was so happy that her pair of round, big eyes curved into crescents as she smiled.

Meanwhile, Zachary shyly lowered his head.

He had received a lot of compliments ever since he was young. But Cayden rarely praised him. Now that Cayden praised him in front of Avery, Zachary was shy and proud at the same time.

I really look great.

The big cake on the table had three tiers. Fruit jelly cake was the base. Meanwhile, the middle layer was shaped into a light blue castle, and the uppermost layer had beautiful floral patterns. It looked wonderfully appetizing.

There was a doll in a pink gown on top of the cake.

The moment it was switched on, it automatically sang the “Happy Birthday” song.

Cayden carefully put the candles on the cake. Looking at Avery with gentleness in his eyes, he said, “Come. Make a wish.”

He took her hand and brought her over. Putting her palms together, Avery made a sincere wish under the ardent stares of the two children and the man.

With her eyes closed, Avery looked even more alluring in the presence of the candlelights. Her aura was gentle. Staring at her mumbling lips, Cayden couldn't help but be enthralled by her beauty.

Even though he had been with her for so many years, his desire would still flare up like a teen whenever he looked at her face. He couldn't help it.

After making the wish, Avery blew out the candles with Zachary and Rory.

“Mommy, what did you wish for?” Rory asked curiously.

Zachary gently flicked his finger on her head. “Silly. We can't say our birthday wishes out loud. Otherwise, they're not going to realize.”

“Ah...” Rory pursed her lips in disappointment. Feeling a bit lost, she glanced over at her mother.

Looking at the curiosity in her innocent eyes, Avery chuckled.

She leaned over and stroked her hair. “I wished for us to continue leading a happy life like this, safe and in the pink of health.”

Cayden's lips curled into a faint smile.

This was the woman he loved. She wasn't overly ambitious, nor did she have any great aspirations. Moreover, she had no interest in meddling in the affairs of wealthy families. What she wanted was to live a simple life.

It was something that he wanted too.

“All right. Let's eat!” Avery cut the cake into small pieces and put them on the elegant plates before giving them to Zachary and Rory.

Children loved desserts.

After taking the cakes from their mother, they spared a glance at their father. “Daddy, can we eat more cake than usual today?” Zachary asked with caution.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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