Chapter 8

He didn’t return until after 9 p.m. Rosalie had been waiting and she was growing anxious, fearing something might have happened. Unfortunately, she didn’t have a phone. Thus, she was unable to contact him.

Rosalie left her rental home and walked toward the main entrance of the residential area. She constantly looked around, hoping to catch a glimpse of the figure she longed to see.

After a period of waiting, she finally saw a familiar figure walking toward her.

“Jon!” She breathed a sigh of relief as the figure approached.

Jonathan saw her approaching figure and was slightly taken aback.

He watched her rush to him, gasping for breath. Her face was flushed red due to the cold weather, but her eyes were bright.

“Thank goodness you’re finally back,” Rosalie uttered.

“Rosie, were you waiting for me?” Jonathan asked as he lightly brushed his fingers against her cold cheek. Feeling the coldness of her cheek from the tips of his fingers, he realized she must have been waiting for quite some time.

“Yes, it’s so late and you weren’t back yet. I was so worried. Thankfully, you’re back safe and sound,” she said with a smile.

His gaze shifted slightly. She was worried about Jon, but not Jonathan of the Youngblood Group. He wondered if she would still worry about him if she knew he was Jonathan Youngblood.

With a smile, he said. “I was distributing the flyers and it took some time. Your hands must be cold, right? Let me warm them up for you.” As he said that, he gently held her icy hands and rubbed them between his palms, just as she did last time.

Gradually, Rosalie felt her hands warming up. Despite the cold day, it felt very warm.

Jon, I’m glad to have you,” she murmured.

He smirked and teased, “You must remember saying this. I hope you won’t regret it in the future.”

food. She led him into the residential area, oblivious to the black car

he had just witnessed. Jonathan was warming a woman’s hand. Carlos

had never seen Jonathan treating any woman in such a manner, not even toward Melanie, who

She was the perpetrator of Melanie’s car accident!

Rosalie, who was drunk, Carlos

was Jonathan thinking? And how much space

Jonathan in the CEO’s Office, Carlos couldn’t help

long fingers and distinct joints. Even Carlos, being

someone’s neck, almost taking his life. Jonathan allowed blood to drench them without

seen those hands warming another pair of hands. Especially not when the owner of those hands was

1548 Wed, Sept

Chapter 8

wrong with my hands?” Jonathan’s voice

the Hamilton family. They’re forming a marriage of convenience with the Xanthos family. In two weeks’ time, Yvette Hamilton and Zachary Xanthos will be engaged. Mr. Hamilton hopes that you can

glanced at the

this invitation. After all. Melanie, the eldest daughter of the Hamilton family who had died, was his fiancée. Moreover, Zachary and Rosalie who caused

noted it

hospital in the city. Access to this hospital was typically limited to only

Jonathan opened the door and walked in with measured steps.

the city, controlling every aspect of Strico’s affairs. Yet, his only son had run

and a child returned

man on the bed. He looked at the man he should call grandfather. He wore a hospital gown with a drip hanging


here.” Leonard uttered, looking

here,” Jonathan

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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