Chapter 172 A Hero’s Weakness

Lewis didn’t bat an eyelid. He glanced at her sideways. Although he was expressionless, Josephine felt the frostiness and warning from that glance.

Josephine’s lips tightened into a thin line. She covertly looked away.

“Chairman Alvarez, your assistant here looks like a student. Could she be a minor?” asked someone jokingly. “I’ve got to hand it to you if that’s the case.”

Lewis calmly looked at Kale Wallace, the man who spoke. “How can you tell?”

Kale was stunned. “Is she, really?”

Lewis chuckled; his chuckle was void of feeling. He said, “Given your abilities to drink, why would you need your assistants? It seems to me you guys can easily keep this up until morning.

“Haha! We’ve aged now, so it’s better to watch out for our health. We can’t push it even if we can. Besides, we’re here to meet up, not for a drinking tournament,” said Kale. He continued, However, it’s a rare occasion. Where’s the fun if we don’t come up with something new?”

“Well, you have a point. But…” Lewis looked at Kiran and said, “President Kiran, you said you were getting my assistant, but why this eye candy, of all people? Are you eager for me to embarrass myself?”

Kiran lifted a brow and replied calmly, “My apologies, Chairman Alvarez. I didn’t know you had other female assistants in your office. I only know Miss Vance. However, we can’t judge a book by its cover. Looks aside, Miss Vance must be capable, somehow, to qualify as your assistant. She might come out as a winner. Am I right, Miss Vance?”

Hearing her name, Josephine tensed up. She had never had alcohol before, not to mention competing against people like them. She would lose for sure.

Josephine didn’t have an answer and couldn’t have replied, even if she did. She could only look at Lewis.

She wasn’t the only one-everyone was looking at Lewis.

Lewis lit a cigarette and leaned back onto his chair casually. “What’s the bet?”

win. It’s not too much to ask for a five percent marginal profit increase on our side, is it?”

that case, should we even proceed

you’re calling

“Shouldn’t I be the one asking that question? Since when has boozing become a factor in business deals? Well, if I win, could you agree to

on your side?”

earning more or less. There’s no reason for the deal to exist when there’s nothing to gain.

have a big appetite, you know.

swept across the room, evident from the frowns

up with this bet and who agreed to it. President Kiran,

finger at Kiran. The latter paused before replying doubtfully, “Chairman Alvarez, you’re being unjust to me. I’m new here. How could

“Well, I think Chairman Alvarez is being

as well. Chairman Alvarez had been drinking with us without a fuss before she came. Now he’s turning on us when she’s here. It seems even heroes have a weakness for the charms of

listened in silence as they joked around and didn’t retaliate. He looked calm, as though he

Josephine was perplexed. She didn’t know her presence would bring him

didn’t leave in a fury said it all. They must be significant

chairman and I join you for another round of drinks, gentlemen? We agreed earlier we’re only here to

You’re right. I almost forgot

“Come, drink up.”

I’ll agree to our deal with a zero percent marginal profit if you win, Chairman Alvarez. Conversely, forget about the five percent increase; I want

when he said to “send him

proposed this dirty trick because he noticed Lewis cared for his assistant and didn’t

lips. She stared

for several minutes before saying, “You have exceptional taste as always,

else, if not work. We flew here from various parts of the country for this event. Can’t spoil the

about this: I’ll give you a 50 percent increase if you finish all the

was stunned. He was

you drunk already,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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