Chapter 173 Favor or Request

Josephine dared not get her hopes up because every time she did, utter disappointment followed.

He didn’t urge her to drink, no doubt. But he kept Sierra out of this altogether, didn’t he?

She sat silently, staring at her toes. Time seemed to crawl by.

Everyone was watching Eva as she drank. Her alcohol tolerance was indeed excellent, but she started swaying after downing five or six bottles.

She excused herself to go to the washroom. Staggering, she walked about a dozen feet away before squatting next to a dustbin, retching and vomiting uncontrollably.

Kale’s face darkened.

Josephine saw Eva’s condition and felt sympathy for her.

Shiftily, Kiran looked back and forth between Josephine and Lewis out of the corner of his eyes. His expression was incomprehensible.

Kale took a bottle and said, “I’ll go on while Eva’s using the washroom.”

They were halfway there, and it would be a pity to give up now.

He needed only to finish two or three bottles and let Eva handle the rest. Then, they would seal the deal.

However, he missed the glint in Lewis’ eyes.

He wasn’t familiar with Lewis and naively thought Lewis was just another businessman.

Those who knew Lewis would have known it would take inexplicable mercy on Lewis’ side to strike another deal with him in the future after things turned out this way, let alone acquiring the 50 percent increase Lewis offered.

It would be fortunate if Kale’s business operations could run as usual after this.

At least, that was how Kiran saw it.

Kale’s quite a heavy drinker too, but he had already drunk a considerable amount before this. He could take another four bottles at most, nothing more.

Eva took her time in the washroom and returned to her seat only after Kale finished another four bottles.

left off without a single word and proceeded with her task

at the event weren’t exactly

drink for

lived off that skill, so they could only take everything that came their way, even if they

down her neck and dampened the front of her shirt, attracting the

her lips together and averted her gaze. She looked at Lewis.

his collar open. He sat slackly on the sofa with a cigarette between his fingers. His expression was indifferent, deeming everything happening around him nothing but a meaningless

Eva started losing her momentum. She continued drinking robotically, but Josephine noticed her eyes were already closed.

or six bottles on the table.

sluggishly, taking a few sips at a time and going to the washroom now and

up until

Everyone was sleepy.

man said, “It will be morning by the time she finishes drinking. Chairman Alvarez, shall

As per

who spoke shut up and remained in his

and the others had come to a consensus to take the opportunity to maximize the benefits they could

matter how severe the

of its crisis now could ensure more profit for them in

strength, it was clearly impossible for

toward Kale was proof that he didn’t give a damn about

fight over the opportunity to establish a partnership with

everyone had been through the same phase.


replace his pet if it turned against him. That

down every bottle, so he remained seated, and

Eva returned from the washroom, she passed out despite

Seeing only two bottles were left, he made up his mind and chugged them down.

the bottles down heavily on the

him scowled and scooted

Alvarez, I finished

smoothed out the creases on his sleeve, and picked up his coat. “It’s morning. Let’s dismiss. I had fun tonight.” With that, he turned and left.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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