Chapter 174 You Were Too Rash

Josephine was stunned. Then, she immediately opened the door, hopped in, and put on her


Lewis didn’t say anything as he reversed the car.

The rain had stopped, but the weather was still depressing. Josephine’s hands and feet were icy and numb after being in the hotel all night.

The window was open. The breeze brought along a faint hint of alcohol.

Josephine was worried. Lewis drank alcohol, yet he was driving.

She dared not utter a sound. She glanced at him and looked elsewhere, the breeze slapping against her face.

Josephine slowly inched her finger toward the control and closed the window, keeping the frosty air out.

They reached Styx Mansion. After he parked the car, Josephine reached out and tugged his sleeve.

Lewis looked at her silently, but Josephine could feel the cold air he emitted.

She signed, “Do you want to bathe? I’ll get the bath ready.”

Lewis didn’t reply. He looked away from her and pulled out a cigarette. Then, emotionlessly, he asked, “You’d listen to everyone else except for me, huh?”

Josephine paused. She shook her head and tried to sign, but he wasn’t looking at her.

She stared at his side profile-he was upset. She opened her mouth and struggled to say, “I…w -was…worried…”

He listened to her without a word this time, but she didn’t know if he understood.

Shortly, he finished his cigarette and threw the butt out. Then, he glanced at her.

“Do you


didn’t have to pay heed to anyone

her head. She didn’t. She truly

I said in mind anyway. You’ll only remember what others

reached out to tug his sleeves, but he

wanted to tell him she didn’t forget his words deliberately. She

by bit, and she found it more difficult to remember those little things as days

be gone from her memory only

but there was nothing she could do.

want this to

her memory was her concern for him. It was deeply engraved in her. Even if she forgot everything, she would still love

opened the door, got out, and entered the

at his silhouette in the rearview mirror, tears rolling down her cheeks. She wiped her tears and hurriedly got

on the floor, exhausted.

she put her notebook.

while before getting up and starting her search again. Finally, she

inside using

a pile of

paper, struggling to identify the words. But it was too difficult

in her throat-she

came out of the bathroom,

storage room and saw Josephine sitting on the floor, hugging

spoiled her favorite toy. She would

blocked the light. Eyes teary, Josephine looked

bathrobe and looked down

slowly lowered hers. She got up

slender hand grabbed the box.

stunned. Before she could react, Lewis snatched the box away and hurled it aside. The box fell to the floor with

blew in, mercilessly sweeping the paper remnants into a chaotic

stared absently at the scene. Her mind was blank as she didn’t know how to

them up, but Lewis

see the fury in his

being with me the reason you suffer so miserably?” Lewis stared into her teary eyes, and his temper flared as he asked, “Do you want a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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